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Rules For Posting Businesses / Services

Discussion in 'BUSINESSES / SERVICES' started by Butler County PA Flea Market, Jan 16, 2015.

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  1. Butler County PA Flea Market

    Butler County PA Flea Market Site Admin Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    Butler County Pennsylvania
    These rules apply to the Businesses / Services Forum:
    • All advertising must conform with current U.S. law.
    • Advertising is limited to one thread per 7 days posted in the Advertising Forums regarding your companies, sub-companies or associated companies. It will remain any companies' responsibility to schedule and maintain the offers your employees post in conforming with this important rule.
    • You are expected and required to read and follow the rules outlined within a Forum that are posted as Announcements.
    • You may not intentionally "trash" or "troll" in another user's advertisement thread.
    • The 'Businesses / Services Forums' are not a place for you to criticize or pass comment on another user's advertisement. Comments such as "You could get a better deal at.....", or "Your price is way too high for that...", or "That design stinks....", etc. will be removed and your account may be suspended.
    • Keep your posts clean. A maximum of two colors and two font styles are allowed.
    • Requests for loans or other banking transfers are not allowed in any Forum Category.
    • Any attempts to defraud or deceive our members may result in your account being suspended.
    Thank you.
    Butler County PA Flea Market

    *Rules Subject To Change*
    JJ Smith likes this.
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